Articles on: Getting started

What is the difference between automatic and manual mode on an application?

To get applications into your LicenceOne workspace, you can do so using two different methods:

Automatic detection

This is where LicenceOne crawls through your data sources and if our systems spot records that relate to software (transactions, login history etc.), we pull that data automatically into LicenceOne.

This data is updated and analyzed daily without you having to lift a finger 🪄

Manual tracking

This is where you manually add an application (via the Add an application button on the applications section).

In doing so, LicenceOne will generate transactions according to the data you input in the spend section while creating the application. For example, if you select $15 as the spend, and the billing cycle as monthly; transactions for the amount of $15 will be generated every month for that application

Spend data entered when manually creating an application

If you'd like to change the spend data for a manually added application, simply head to the Spend tab of said app, then click on the Change spend button:

Manually generated transactions for an app next to the Change spend button


How can I delete manually generated transactions for an application?

You can do this via the Change spend button on the Spend tab of your application. As an example, let's imagine you have manually generated transactions on a monthly basis since 1st January 2024, but you want to delete them all.

Click Change spend
Set the First payment date field to the 1st of January 2024
Set the Cost per billing cycle to $0
Your manually generated transactions will now be deleted

If I manually create an application and LicenceOne later detects spend for it, will that spend be added to my application?

No (not yet). At the time of writing this article (16 April 2024), we are currently working on a feature that will allow you to do so, however 😉

Keep an eye on our product updates page and our regular product newsletters to be informed as soon as this is available.

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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