Articles on: Financial data sources

Where can I find my payment list?

LicenceOne collects payments from your financial source according to the applications matching rules

➡️ To see the list, you can visit the payment list page

Once you're on the payments list, you will find the following column :

Date : when the payment occurred on your bank account
Description : The label of the payment (also highlight the area of each payment string in yellow to indicate why the payment description triggers a match according to the related matching rules)
Linked application : The application that has been linked to your payment
Payment account : Where is the payment coming from (bank, manual, Spendesk, Sellsy...)

Synchronizing unmatched payment

⚠️ If enabled, this feature will allow administrators on your workspace to see all payments and transactions for your financial data sources - even if they haven't been linked with applications.
You may double-check your administrators via the users section.

You can also set up your LicenceOne account to synchronize all your payments from your financial sources. This will save the payment that match the application's matching rules, but also the ones that don't match.

Head to the payment list page
Click on the top right button to enable the full synchronization on your account
Once your account has been enabled to use that feature, click on the switch that replaced the button and voilà, your account is being reprocessed with all your payments.

This will then allow you, once you are on the payment list page, to visualize all the payments from your data source.

Head to the payment list page
Find a payment that doesn't have an application on the Linked application column
Click the + Link application text on the row for the payment you want to automatically link to an application
Follow the on-screen process to tell LicenceOne what application we should link that payment with
Define and adjust the new matching rules that should be used for that application
Click the Save matching rule button on the top-right of your interface
Ta-da! 🪄 LicenceOne will search through your payments history and link historic payments with the application you set up in step 4, and if we detect any future payments that match your new rule, we'll automatically match it with said application

Updated on: 29/05/2024

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