Articles on: Financial data sources

How do matching rules work in LicenceOne?

LicenceOne can automatically detect over 21 000 different applications by crawling through your financial data sources. However, in some cases, our default matching rules might:

Confuse unrelated payments with software spend. e.g. when software providers choose a simple/generic brand name (Emma, Cafe, Box), we mistakenly match the payment description Cafe Express London to the software CafΓ©
Miss payments due to a typo in your financial data source e.g. your accountant/account software records payments to Adobe as Adbe *sub 1244, whereas all other companies record it as Adobe subscription 1244
Might not be up-to-date with a niche software e.g. you're subscribed to a cool new software that only has 5 clients

But worry not! With matching rules, you can create and customize our default logic so that it applies to your use case πŸ™Œ

Customizing existing matching rules via the application view

Head to the application that you want to modify the matching rule for and click on the Spend tab
Click the Edit matching rule button that appears above your linked payments
Define the new matching rules that should be used for that application
Click the Save matching rule button on the top-right of your interface
Ta-da! πŸͺ„ LicenceOne will update the payments synchronized with your app (past and future) according to the rule you've set up

Adding new matching rules via the payments log

Head to the Payments log section of your interface (Data sources > Payment logs)
Find a payment that doesn't have an application on the Linked application column
Click the + Link application text on the row for the payment you want to automatically link to an application
Follow the on-screen process to tell LicenceOne what application we should link that payment with
Define and adjust the new matching rules that should be used for that application
Click the Save matching rule button on the top-right of your interface
Ta-da! πŸͺ„ LicenceOne will search through your payments history and link historic payments with the application you set up in step 4, and if we detect any future payments that match your new rule, we'll automatically match it with said application

Defining matching rules

When creating or modifying matching rules, your objective should always be to be as precise as possible. In other words, please don't make a rule that links payment descriptions that contain the word Transaction, as you're likely to match a lot of unrelated payments to your application (unless that's what you want, of course πŸ˜‰).

To get started, first define what type of matching you want your rule to respect

Match types

All of the conditions (a.k.a. AND condition) - this will only link payments to your application if all of the conditions at met
One of the conditions (a.k.a. OR condition) - this will link payments to your application if a payment description matches any of the conditions you define are met

Match conditions

This is where you define what we should look for, or disregard, in your payment description for it to be considered as related to your chosen application.

Important to know
All match conditions must not have another letter (a-z) before and/or after it for us to take it into account as a match
Matching conditions are not case-sensitive
(Only applies if your condition is a number) All match conditions allow for 1 numeric character before and after, so 2345 will match both payment descriptions of 2345 and 12345

Condition examples:
Match conditionPayment descriptionWill LicenceOne match it?Why?
Payment description contains ZoomZoom #45754 novβœ… YesThere are no characters before the letter Z, and there is a space after the letter m
Payment description contains ZoomZoom.com235235βœ… YesThere are no characters before the letter Z, and the character after the letter m is a special character
Payment description contains ZoomZoom525235βœ… YesThere are no characters before the letter Z, and the character after the letter m is a number (refer to the first bullet point above)
Payment description contains ZoomZoomZoom agency❌ NoThe first instance of Zoom has a letter character after the letter m, and the second instance of Zoom is preceded by a letter character of m
Payment description contains Zoom524Zoom521 *subscriptionβœ… YesThe characters surrounding our match condition fall within our tolerance for 1 numeric character before and after a condition
Payment description contains Zoom52432Zoom52152 *subscriptionβœ… YesThe characters surrounding our match condition are number values (refer to the first bullet point above)
Payment description contains 433452Zoom433452 invoice❌ NoThe characters before our match condition is a letter character (refer to the first bullet point above)
Payment description contains 433452Zoom 433452*invoiceβœ… YesThere is a space before the start of our matching rule, and a non-letter character after the number 2 at the end of our matching rule

Preview changes

LicenceOne automatically displays the list of payments that will be linked with your application on the bottom of your screen when you change a matching rule. To help you tweak each condition, we'll also highlight the area of each payment string in yellow to indicate why the payment description triggers a match according to your conditions.

Once you click Save matching rule on the top right of your interface, these will be the only payments that will be linked with your application.

Updated on: 28/05/2024

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